
2019 The year of pig for RABBIT (卯)

Born in rabbit years:

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Born in rabbit months: March 5 to April 3

Born in rabbit hours: 5am to 7am

Jiang Xing (將星) — represents power, proper status, majesty or dignified; entrusted for a major project. You will obtain recognition & wealth upon your accomplishment.

Jin Gui (金匱) — meaning a huge safe with full of money; a good year to build up your savings and also an opportunity to become property owners.

Shan He (三合) — good year for social networking, meeting new friends or business partners to plan projects or businesses.

Three stages (三台) — enhance the power & status from where you are at right now. Just like walking step by step up a ladder ascending until you reach success.

Be ready to greet the joyful year!