
2019 The year of pig for DRAGON(辰)

Born in dragon years:

1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Born in dragon months: April 4 to May 4

Born in dragon hours: 7am to 9am

A passionate and romantic year

Hong Liam (紅鸞) — a positive energy star for relationships and marriages. It shows an incredibly nice fortune in love aspects. You will find your Mr. And Ms. RIGHT and will be able to maintain a stable relationship if you are single. Married couples will find the relationship more passionate.

Yue De (月德) — with this star you can handle or resolve all your problems wisely & calmly. On the top of that, you will get support or assistance from your boss or superior.

Enjoy your passionate year!